SAMA hits the stores 18th June
We are extremely excited to announce that our 2D puzzle and digging adventure game “Something Ate My Alien” is finally in a complete state and will be released 18th June 2020 on Steam, GMG and other store fronts!
If you have not yet added SAMA to your wishlist on Steam, now is the time to do it so you get notified when it launches.

After 3,5 years development and basically working around the clock, we have almost achieved our goal of finishing SAMA. Another month of polishing and bug fixing before the big day, and we are more than ready to make this happen.

We promise a chill game with a slight strategy tone where you will explore big levels full of things to collect, puzzles to solve and a fair amount of shooting action occuring, while listening to a lovely mix of music tracks suited for this type of game. The most used word testers seem to use describing SAMA is the words “chilled explorer game”.

SAMA will be available on Windows, Linux and Mac and it also has controller support if you prefer to play with that rather than the keyboard. We also offer visual aid for the puzzle rooms for those who struggle seeing different colours which can be toggled on/off in the settings menu.

If you can’t wait till June 18th, or if you just have to give our game a try before committing to buying yourself a copy, you can try out the DEMO on GameJolt right now!

As a 2 person dev team we have learnt a lot during this time, and feedback from testers has been invaluable to us. Reflecting on the time that has gone by since the first story line of SAMA was written down, and seeing where we are now is quite a satisfying feeling. Not only have we proven that if you really love what you’re doing and put your mind to it, you can make it happen, but we have also proven to ourselves that we make a good team which bodes well for future endeavours.

We hope you are as excited for SAMA as we are, and that you will enjoy playing it once it is out. Go check it out and if you can see all the hard work and love we have put into this game, please consider adding us to your wish-list on Steam to help us out!